Marilyn will be “Forever Blonde”

8 Jun

Go see Marilyn: Forever Blonde at Asolo Repertory Theater in Sarasota, Florida.June 18th through July 10th, the Asolo Repertory Theater of Sarasota, Florida will host Marilyn: Forever Blonde; starring award-winning actress, Sunny Thompson. Described as “breathtaking” by the Boston Globe, this is the story of the blonde bombshell–in her own words. The play is set in 1962, and the 36 year old star is reflecting on her life. All the fame, success and loneliness that goes with the territory…is it really worth it?

Shortly before her untimely death Marilyn Monroe posed for what would be her final photo session. Marilyn: Forever Blonde is a recreation of what might have been Marilyn’s last chance to tell her own story in her own words. Conceived by award-winning producer and writer Greg Thompson, the script has been painstakingly researched from hundreds of quotes from Marilyn herself and the result is two hours in Marilyn’s presence. These are the final thoughts of a little girl who became a legend and in turned could never be loved or accepted for herself.

In the American Icons’ Summer Series, Asolo Repertory Theater has already performed their rendition of George Gershwin – Alone, MAESTRO: The Art of Leonard Bernstein, and Marilyn: Forever Blonde serves as the final play of the season.

Be sure to make your reservations early to stay at Hotel Ranola; Downtown Sarasota’s best kept secret. You’ll be within walking distance to all major events, attractions, dining, shopping and the arts.

We hope you enjoy Marilyn: Forever Blonde! If you have seen the performance, let us know what you thought.

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